14 years?

some of us say that highschool was the best years of their lives. it was for me. all the major memories i kept were from those 4 years of my life. college was literally a blur.

up to this day, i’m still in touch with the 6 best girls who were part of my highschool life. and it was a pleasant surprise that the batch we belong to are still intact, and are still in contact with each other as well (hello and thank you facebook!)

so, one night (feb 25 to be exact) we planned a mini get together, informal. it has been 14 years since some of us last saw each other. and i think we were the only batch that didn’t celebrate our 10th year. so we better make up for it.

we met up at Skye Lounge in The Fort.

it was refreshing to see how much we’ve all grown up. we got a congresswoman, one who directly works for the president (although she wasn’t there but we did talk about how awesome her job is) and more awesome career women. majority of us are now married, with kids. some, who we didn’t expect to get married are now married.

it has been 14 years!! but i do hope that these get together becomes a yearly habit.

did i say highschool was fun? 🙂

fresh and new beginnings

a lot has happened over the course when this humble blog has gone quiet the past 2 months. and i have a lot that i want to blog about, but then all the details have passed that i might jumble them up.

but, i’ll blog about one milestone that happened to my family.

finally, after 4 years, hubby has finally ventured into a better company. one, that really “listens” and takes care of their people. we’re all too familiar with the set up in some companies, that you get “power” and “influence” when you know someone up there. hubby and i were never advocates of those. we still believe in the old adage of working hard to get to the top.

and i am bursting with pride and happiness that he finally left. after a year of begging. money was never an issue since it comes and goes. sure, it helps with the needs and wants, but nothing comes after. and now, hubby has his weekends back. 2 days of real relaxation and not worrying about other people’s problems. we can finally do parenting together.

what joy to finally have a family day/weekend.

what a great birthday gift as well to hubby!

cheers to the new milestone and a new, and better career!

snaps: school spirit

this photo was taken during k1’s family day. since hubby and i are couple reps for his section, all the kids of the couple reps were called on stage to sing the alma mater song.

and how smart is this boy to stay near the mic and sing his heart out.

that’s school spirit. even in pre school. 🙂


i am doing something right after all.

i stumbled upon this blog post from my facebook feed. and after reading it, it felt like a pat on the back that i am doing something good for and to my boys.

Here’s the link: 25 rules for mothers of sons

25 rules for mothers of sons

it felt good that from the start, the things that i teach my boys were part of this list. to note a few:

– Be a cheerleader for his life
– Read to him and read with him.
– Teach him to have manners
– Let him ruin his clothes / Get Dirty
– Let him lose
– Answer him when he asks, “Why?”
– Always carry band-aids and wipes on you.
– Build him forts

and to add to my list, let him explore toys that girls play – cooking sets, dolls, etc. because eventually they’ll outgrow these and stick to cars, robots, trucks and blocks. toys are toys, they all make use of a child’s imagination. it will not dictate their gender preference when they grow up. (i grew up playing with boy’s toys, and here i am, a mother of 3.)

what comfort to know that i am indeed doing something right after all in the motherhood department. 🙂

my boys ❤


since it’s the new year, and with people broadcasting their resolutions left and right, might as well post mine.

i listed down things that are feasible to do the whole year and realistic ones, so here goes:


– de clutter the room. get rid of stuff no longer needed.

– learn to wear make up everyday and when meeting with clients.

– moisturize!

– list down 1 thing i’m thankful for everyday.

– less: shouting, getting mad easily, impatience, procrastination.

– read more books

– write write write

– take more photos

– blog at least a week.


simple right? 🙂 i opted not to include the losing weight part since doing so would be in vain since i’m on injectibles. but that’s different from getting enough exercise everyday!


so here’s to the new year and to goals!

happy new year! happy new you!

photo credit: eric yago (aka Dad)

snaps: sharing is caring

this is what i treasure. days when they get along. 🙂

sharing is caring ❤


the downside of having kids aged 2 years apart is the constant bickering and fighting over toys. so this is a rare moment when they do get along.

crazy little toys

this is what’s making K1 crazy. 🙂

gogos crazy bones

oh and follow me too on istagram! (username: hazehung)

Happy New Year!

happy new year!!

happy new year! welcome to 2012!

i know i know this post is 5 days late. but hey, it’s still the 1st week of the year so it still counts!

my blog may have gone on a long hiatus from posts and content, but i promised myself that this year, i MUST have at least 1 entry per week.

i missed writing so much. all the things i wanted to blog about have been “kept” inside my head. and i think, it’s about time that i let it all out. it may be written in the planner (which i promised myself as well to write in everyday), but it will be posted here.

if your’re reading this entry now, why not leave a comment so that i’ll know i still have readers out there. 🙂



hey! i’m still alive! LOL! but quite busy that i had to pause blogging (again, for the nth time).

but will be back soonest!

when i grow up

day 29 of the 30 day blog challenge

it was k1’s career day in school and they were asked to prepare careers that they want to be when they grow up.

there’s no need to ask him what he wanted. and so we shopped. (thank you cash and carry)

and here’s our race car driver.

team ferrari

and i think he has the potential to be one. he can beat me at the arcade. he’s a better driver than i am. but of course, at the back of my mind, i’m still scared as hell of the dangers of being a mom to a race car driver. but, i’m all for tha happiness of my kids.

i just hope that until he grows up, he’ll never forget this dream. (or be a doctor or engineer or architect or those usual career path that moms dream of)