still hooked

from my previous post on mystery case files, well i’m happy to report that i’m still hooked with the game albeit with the longer time to look for the hidden objects.

i try to sneak in a few game time in between work especially when things get a little stressful. and it helps.

once i finish with madame fate, i’m moving on with the other games. yay!

looking for missing objects

i’ve revived my love for those hidden objects games. i tried to download some but unfortunately, due to restricted access here in the office, i can’t. now i have to rely on dear brother to find me some free full version games online to download and hopefully install at home.

now i’m jonesing to play this:

mystery case files: madame fate

tried the free online version and i got hooked! now i want to finish this game!

can someone share some links? 🙂