
ok, first off i’m not pregnant.

it was such great news to see in my facebook inbox that one of our good friends will be parents around september. it was confirmed this morning and our facebook inbox have been overflowing with messages – funny that we’re online almost everyday haha!

it all started with us (hubby and i) having babies (we started with 1 and now we have 3) before everyone else in the group started having their own babies! but it ended with us getting married in church. well, we still have one bachelor in the group, our tomcat (if you’re familiar with the movie) who’s still out there waiting for the ONE. 🙂

now our get togethers over dinner include babies and our kids running around the house. and of course an early start to these gatherings since we now have bedtimes to think about.

i’m just happy hearing news like these especially from the people who have been a great part of our lives.

congrats kids! and i can’t wait to see the little one in september or october 🙂

About Haze
Online & blogging since 2002. Blogging about motherhood, discoveries and life in general - plus a few rants on the side. :) Grab a cup of coffee and let's chat :)

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